Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What am I getting myself into?

I have been trying very hard to find something for me. You know "me time".  The problem is finding something that I can afford to do and making sure I like it enough that I won't regret my decision. The way I see it we all deserve at least one thing in our lives that we can say is ours, that we are passionate about and look forward to without stress or apprehension. Some of you may say "she's a thirty something, is she having a pre-midlife crisis?" Truth is I am having a my health is crappy and I need to make a change moment. This time it is for real. I have two beautiful girls that I love more than life itself and I want to be there to watch them grow. My biggest roadblocks thus far have been motivation and commitment. I am overweight, struggling to quit smoking (sorry family I am trying...I really am) and suffering from hypertension. At the end of last month the doctor prescribed me blood pressure medication, at 34 REALLY!!! So here is what I am proposing to myself, each week I will find a new cupcake to try. I know, I know, how "Julie & Julia" is that. Simple enough, I love to bake. I love even more sharing my creations with others, so that will keep me from eating them all. Boy would that be counter productive for weight loss.  I will use my blog as a way to get over the 15 minute cravings for a cigarette that just won't go away. Along the way I will share my journey one day at a time, one pound at a time...one cupcake at a time! I can't promise that I will have witty posts like my fellow blogger who authors Diary of a 3rd Person and Scotsman Interrupted (check them out...become a follower, you will love his stories). What I can promise is that I will be true to myself. I will share even the toughest of struggles because I need that sense of release. I want to get back to the me I actually liked. Not the angry, tired lost me that I have become. Stay tuned...this weeks cupcake Matcha Green Tea Cupcakes. These will be donated to the above referenced author of D3P and Scotsman Interrupted for a Japan Relief Fund Bake Sale that will take place on April 25, 2011.


  1. Awesome! I'm so glad you're doing this. Can't wait to see your creations and hear about your success!

  2. I am honored to be mentioned on your initial blog post. Thank you for that. I will also be keeping up with it and pushing you to keep it up. This is perfect for you, and I hope it gets the attention it deserves.
